Received from State Senator Tomlinson four weeks after the letter was sent:

Thank you for your letter to me regarding your concern with the beer tax proposed by Governor Rendell. It is always important to me to hear from my constituents on important issues such as this one.

Under the Governor's proposal, the tax on a gallon of beer would go up for the first time since 1947, from 8 cents to 25 cents. The beer tax would generate an estimated $55 million annually for the state and would help in balancing the state's budget that is struggling in a difficult economy.

I assure you that I intend to take a very serious look at this proposal to determine if it is a sensible way to raise significant additional revenue for the state and not just another means of raising taxes for Pennsylvania residents. I am also aware of the potential negative impact that this tax could have on the industry.

I appreciate you taking the time to contact me on this issue. Should this proposal come before the Senate for a vote, I will take your concerns into consideration when making a determination.


Robert M. Tomlinson

State Senator, 6th District


Obviously, Senator Tomlinson has no intention of revealing his actual position on this tax proposal. But then, he rarely does. Nor does he address the issue of tax equity. This is a non-response, leading you to wonder if he even read the letter, or just saw "beer tax" and hit a macro on Word to reply. Wonder when he's up for re-election?

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